Monday, 10 August 2020

Year 7 Step Up Personal Experience

From my perspective year 7 step up wasn't really a step up to me it felt like we were just doing different activities. the activities I did were stacking cups, playing a game where you had to think of a song that has a word or number specifically, and you can't do one someone has already done, another was finding out the murder of someone named Mr grim, as well as figuring out 40 puzzles which were worth 20 points, so 800 points you were able to obtain for completing them all, we also did some art with pencils and perm-markers and colouring pencils and drew something and wrote a word in it and every line had to touch the drawing and the word was about leadership and we watched a movie as well as had shared lunch and that was pretty much it.


  1. Talofa Kalani,
    It sounds like the Year 7 programme was a little different to what you were expecting. What changes might you like to suggest for 2021? It's helpful to have honest feedback to make improvements/changes.

  2. Hi Kalani

    It's a shame that you didn't really enjoy the Year 7 step up programme. I have read positive comments about it from other students. I thought that the Year 7s were very lucky to have the opportunity to take a break from the normal learning programme while the Year 8s were away at camp. Part of the purpose of this was for the students and teachers to find possible leaders for next year. Do you think that you might have stepped up and shown some leadership qualities during that time? If so, then that's great! If not, then it would be good to reflect on how you can step up to be one of our Year 8 leaders next year. Thank you for your post.
