Sunday, 7 March 2021

The Week in Level 3 Quarantine Part 1

 On Sunday all of Auckland alerted for the return of Level 3 Lockdown for a whole 7 days with covid-19 cases spreading like butter so week 5 of school was in quarantine. School was the same but at home and not with your teacher and classmates, and since it was level 3 in Auckland we couldn't do many things outside of our houses and couldn't leave Auckland because of border restrictions so we were kept away from our family around the country.

On the first day of School, Monday we had a Google meet for all of the Year 7 & 8's about the quarantine and what we would be doing for our school work, we were learning the as at school just without the teacher being in the same room as we had scheduled meets all week, for our first day of school for maths we were doing decimal addition and subtraction, it was a one day short document with a fair amount of questions for one day, there were two documents, one for beginners and one for those that are fairly educated in decimal numbers and problems, as I was educated in decimals before I chose the 2nd document, Adding Decimals 2, some of the problems were a bit easier some put up more of a challenge but found the answer either way.

On Tuesday we didn't have a Year 7 & 8 Google meet until Friday, but we had Maths and Literacy Google Meets. For our maths we were completing another document with decimal problems, once again there was one for the beginners and one for those experienced with decimals and I chose again the advanced one Adding Decimals 2.5. They were much harder questions than the last document but I still solved them with ease.

On Wednesday we didn't get another maths doc or slide task but we got a reading task called, Kauri Island which was about a woman/young adult who was out for a walk around the area with a biological journal about plants but then encountered a maori boy looking for lost pig and they began a little friendship and told her about the healing properties of pūriri and gave her some for her mother for back pain because she was pregnant at the time and the next morning...

Part Two to come 

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