Tuesday, 5 January 2021

My Future Career

In my future career I want to study about the universe to become an astronomer and research about the galaxies that make up the universe, the solar systems, giant stars like the sun and comets/meteors to one day hopefully be an astronaut and research other planets up close in space, what fascinates me about the universe is how vast it is and what there could be that hasn’t been discovered, and everything that makes it up that can’t be found on earth from small bits of debris to massive gas giants, or I could potentially be a biologist and research about many species that range from plants like trees with birch, oak, pine, etc, and fungi to several animals like ants, butterflies, rhinos, leopards and many more with many species and how they live life in their very own way in their habitat hiding within those habitats can have a undiscovered species with no knowledge about it and I could be the one to discover it.


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